Kemmeter Wines, Sonero Riesling 2014, New York
Tasting Note: This riesling has a light, floral rose-scented nose slightly reminiscent of gewürztraminer.
The medium-bodied, off-dry, lemon-colored riesling has underlying depth even as an entry level riesling for the producer. On the palate the wine is smooth with a delicate chalky finish on the back of your tongue.
Many off-dry rieslings struggle to achieve acid and sugar balance, but this wine nails it and is a stand out off-dry riesling that will be a proof point in the narrative raising the profile of the Finger Lakes region.
Also Kemmeter is one of the handful of Finger Lakes producers whose wines undergo indigenous yeast fermentation giving its offerings added depth of flavor.
Bottle Note: None
Price: $14
Alcohol: 10.5%
Tasted: Home
Tasting Date: September 20, 2015